
jeudi 23 janvier 2014

Winning Your Ex Back With Happiness

By Alexandra Peterson

Loneliness, depression and an overwhelming sadness might the words you would use to describe your mood since your breakup. It's only natural that you should be emotionally distraught after the love of your life rejects you. To feel any other way might seem impossible to overcome if you truly love your ex. You feel helpless to do much about the situation and this can cause frustration. Every attempt to reconnect with your ex is met with disappointment and your hope of reuniting becomes crushed. You wish that the pain would leave you but you feel that the only way that you will ever be happy again is if there is a sudden change of heart and your ex comes back to you. You want to be happy again but you can barely crack a smile these days. When will the pain end and what can you do to feel alive again?

Joy and a love for life truly are the emotions that you must feel before your ex will consider returning. This might sound insane but there is a method to this madness. You may have even noticed this in your life and other relationships. Your best chance for getting back together with the one you love is to adopt a cheerful attitude and eliminate any appearance of anxiety or sadness from your life. You might feel a little uncomfortable with this thought or say that it is impossible. You may even cling to the pain as if it is the last shred of what is left of your relationship. You might even worry that your ex will feel that you don't care anymore if you're not upset but this isn't true.

It's understandable that you might fear letting go of the pain from your breakup. The truth is that it is not serving you in any way. You are not benefiting in any manner from the sadness and depression and your ex will not be impressed if they see you being emotional. Human psychology shows us that people are attracted to others who are happy, full of life and emotionally strong. We all avoid people who are sad, depressed and emotional. If you want to become attractive to your ex again, you must change your attitude and become more positive, optimistic and happy about life.

Being happy might be difficult at first. Your life has been turned upside down. You have lost the person that you used to laugh with and joke with. By forcing yourself to be happy and to think positive thoughts you will start to get into the habit of being happy. Think about yourself for a while and go out of your way to make time to make yourself laugh and be happy. If there is a favorite food that brings you pleasure, indulge in that food as a treat. Maybe you adore ice cream or lobster. Make a meal of your favorite foods and feel the love that you have for yourself blossom. Get out of the house and be around people. People in public can be funny. Experience life again. For a quick happiness fix, watch a funny movie or video that makes you giggle. The important thing is that you laugh every day.

As you start to feel better about your life, begin to dream of all the things that you can now do in life. Think about what you may have wanted to do when you were together with your ex but couldn't. Now that you're single, you have the time to pursue those hobbies or goals. Maybe you wanted to start a business or learn a new language. Perhaps you always dreamed of going on a cruise. Write down your goals and dreams and begin to map out the steps necessary for you to achieve these dreams. If it's a cruise, research where you want to travel to and visualize yourself on that boat soaking up the sun. You might be surprised by how your new attitude becomes attractive to your ex as your life moves forward without them. Curiosity will get the better of them and your ex will be unable to resist the temptation to contact you and see how you're doing. They might even be a little jealous that you're not an emotional mess anymore without them. This will cause your ex to begin to feel some emotions about the breakup that they hadn't felt before and all of this is good for your future relationship together.

Even though you love your ex and find them attractive, understand that there are other fish in the sea. Go window shopping at the mall and observe all the attractive people that you see. Check out a dating website just to do some research and you will find that there are other people out there just like you who are single and looking for someone to spend time with. This doesn't mean that you have to contact them or go on a date right now but it might be an option in the future if your ex doesn't realize what they're missing. There are many very attractive people who simply don't have time to go looking for a partner. This is where you will often find them.

Spending time alone can be very difficult at first. Once you begin making your life more interesting and you start treating yourself well you will find that life isn't so bad. You will create new routines and you will find your own happiness that isn't dependent upon your ex. Your life will become more dynamic and interesting to your ex also and this is when your ex will probably pop back into your life. It is a strange phenomenon but one that you will find is true. As soon as you don't need your ex in your life anymore, that is when they will creep back in and want to spend time with you. Be strong, love yourself and be happy starting today. Live the kind of life that is attractive to anyone and you will find that very soon things will begin to change with your ex for the better.

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