
lundi 5 août 2013

How To Get A Girls Number Without Asking

By Sharida Kuiken

One of the most common questions guys ask is, "I want to know how to get a girls number?"Well, we all know there's a simple answer: You ASK for it.But what most guys are REALLY asking is: "How do I get a girls number without being afraid of rejection - or being turned down?"There are 3 secret steps for to how to get a girls number. If you follow these, you'll have NO problem in getting her number.Oh, and a little side benefit here is that you'll also avoid her Flaking out on you later on. Ever call up a number a woman gave you and get "The number you have reached...." No more of that.
[How To Get A Girls Number]

Consider the fact that most females are advised early in life not to speak to strangers, specifically men, much less not to give their phone numbers to a guy they hardly know. Think about it briefly. A girl you are interested in might have experienced a stalker or bad guy in her not-too-distant past. Only after you show genuine compassion and interest towards her will the art of getting a girl's number be executed.

The first call to action and rule of thumb is to be yourself. No put ons, being phony or fake is useless. Just be your real, optimistic self. The self that always strives to do his best in a new meeting with someone, be it work, play, or unexpected circumstances. If the ambiance is a bar, for instance, a hint of confidence goes a long way in your initial approach to a girl. Mix that with a bit of humor about the environment (is it me, or does it sound like a lot of geese in here?), and you have likely broken the ice to capture her interest to talk with you to get to know you.

Your real objective is to build some rapport with her so that she feels really comfortable with you. She will then feel like she knows you a little bit. And as a result giving you her number will seem natural to her. To create rapport and get her number, practice the following tips.

Suggest you catch up another time.As you are apologizing about leaving, mention how much you've enjoyed your conversation and how much fun it would be to continue it another day. If she doesn't offer her number, ask "what would we need to do to continue this another time?" Note you are not asking for her phone phone number. She is the one offering her number, which later she will recollect and think, wow, I must like that guy, he didn't even ask and I gave him my number.Or you can just play dumb.Sometimes it's not going to be practical to leave at that moment. You may be at a small gathering or with friends. In this case try to gauge something that interests her and arrange to do it together some time.

And if you want to get the complete roadmap of how to go from home alone to how to meet and attract the sexy girlfriend of your dreams, then you need to learn how to approach and flirt with women with my home study program. It's fast, easy, and guaranteed to get you from no women to wherever you want to be in just a few weeks.The more time you spend with her, the more value you can build and your chances of getting the number will increase. Staying an extra ten minutes can often be the difference between her giving you the number or rejecting you.Once you perfect this, you will have women writing their phone numbers down without even thinking twice. It is all about the psychology of human behaviour and once you understand it, you will get as many numbers as you want. Just realize that all you have to do is ask. However never use the following phrases:

You must be more dominant and expect success. Try the routines below and pick the one that works the best for you and use this exact sequence every time you talk to a woman and you want to get her phone number. The key here is to just act like it is completely natural and eventually it will become that way. In a very short time, it will become a habit and you will be supremely confident with it."It was great to meet you...I'll see you around" You have said your goodbyes so quickly that they will feel a temporarily feeling of loss. Just a moment ago, they were having a good time with you and now suddenly you are leaving. This will seem really unusual as most women are used to guys clinging to them. So when you do this you will differentiate yourself in a good way. Then, just as you go to walk away, turn back around and

Asking for the number. The final say comes when you need to ask for the number. However, this is a non issue because of the work you've done ahead of time in building rapport. You shouldn't be concerned, it will be natural. Whenever you find something you both are interested in, simply add "we should try that together some time..." Usually she will say it for you. From there, you can take a natural step to request for her number. Just add "let's trade cell phones and I'll call you to set it up.... here, pen your name and number in." and give her your phone.

So if you truly want to know how to get a girl's number, empty your mind from the cheesy ways you have seen guys try in person, in the movies, or even just your imagination. Beyond feeling drawn to you, keep in mind that a girl has to be comfortable with you for her to give you her number. The harder task of developing comfort (this is where many guys fail) often begins after you have exuded the confidence to attract her. Be authentic, be true, be optimistic and take the important points of this article to heart. This is how to get a girl's number - for real.

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