
mercredi 21 août 2013

Support Of The Build School In Africa Projects Remains Vital

By Tara Daniels

The matter of providing assistance to foreign countries has received considerable attention in the news of late with some reports being quite negative. During this time of unsettled economies and financial cuts many are wondering whether charity should not begin in their own country. Following are some reasons outlining why supporting The build school in Africa project is so important.

Some people fear that financial support sometimes will not get to the people for whom it is meant. The causes for this vary considerably depending on the type of charity and where in the world it is operating.

For many the concerns revolve around corruption. Donors become reluctant to support a charity when there is a risk that resources may be misappropriated. Reports of foodstuffs intended for needy victims being sold on black markets for the personal gain of corrupt officials have been substantiated. Dealings with cash are prone to go wrong due to greedy acts of fraud and theft by corrupt officials. The sufferings of an impoverished nation stand in severe contrast to the opulent lifestyles enjoyed by many of their so called leaders.

Providing aid in territories where warfare and internal conflict is taking place presents its own set of difficulties. It is not uncommon for material aid to simply disappear, only to reappear later in the hands of one party who might well use it as a bargaining mechanism against another. A disaster such as an earthquake, flood or a hurricane may also negatively affect how well help can be provided.

The question that frequently also gets asked is why, after countless years of providing aid, do things never seem to get better. One solution can be found in the old proverb that says if you give a man a fish, then you feed him for a day. Teach him how to fish and you feed him for a lifetime. If there is not a serious educational thrust at the center of our aid programs, then the cycle of dependency will never be broken.

Naturally following the educational path will not be an immediate quick fix. As the process develops there will still be an ongoing need for relief workers to assist with essential aid during dire periods of need. In the same way immunization and vital medical welfare initiatives are still going to be active for lengthy periods.

If the objective is to get people into a position whereby they can help themselves then clearly educating them has to be the solution. Not much attention is given to this theory and regularly the budgets of defense departments exceed those of educators. The aim of these is often just to prop up illegitimate regimes. Military personnel have neither the intent or the skills to provide a nation with the medical, engineering, agricultural, IT and critically, the teaching personnel so desperately needed. These are some of the occupations needed by countries intent on changing their circumstances.

These are complex issues which will take time to fix, but if they are to be solved, the answers must surely be in hands of the educators. An effective tiered system will enlighten and inspire people, enabling them to see a brighter future. For these reasons The build school in Africa project is so critical.

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