
mardi 27 août 2013

How To Talk To Girls

By Adrian Felton

How to talk to girls is a major concern among men all over the world. Every man wishes to win the heart of every beautiful girl they meet. However, this is not always easy to achieve especially since most of them do not have the skills to keep their conversation interesting. It is now obvious that every woman wants to spend time with a guy who can make her laugh and feel excited. So if you really want to know how to talk to girls, then you need to learn to be good in your speech. Always choose your words wisely so that you do not say things that will put the girl off.
[How To Talk To Girls]

So what is exactly this thing 'persuasive talking'? Well, it is more like an art that is designed to influence or convince the listener into doing what the speaker wants. And, it's well said that artists don't do injustice to their job. You should show the inherent stubbornness that you possess. Do not let the girl think she is right. Girls do like occasional healthy arguments and that indeed carries the conversation forward. This is the first basic criteria to succeed in the art of how to talk to girls. The other most important aspect is to maintain that eye contact for as long as you can. It is a symbol of confidence. It defines your personality; who you are, what you are capable of. Remember, if she stays onto you with her eyes, move forward and strike a subtle conversation. This is definitely going to do wonders for you. You have to simply apply the fundamentals of strategic compromise. Do not give up on your main point, but do give her that little leverage to make her feel comfortable and accepted. Once you have mastered this aspect of how to talk to girls, then nobody can stop you from reaching the level of perfection.

Later, you should implement some simple steps. Ask her a question. This will put her on the defensive. The answers will keep the conversation going. Keep interjecting when they answer. It keeps the whole mood healthy. And, when you are running out of words, put in the statements strategically. Like saying 'I love the ambiance here!' will expect the girl to share her views on the ambiance. How to talk to girls is simplified to a great extent with this strategy. Most often than not, there will be a reply to such statements. Remember, in the end it will not just be the talks, but the way you talk will matter. So be comfortable in whatever you do and be relaxed when you approach your next girl at a party, a park or a mall. And, remember the mantra called persuasive talking! Once you have understood these simple techniques, you have learned how to talk to girls easily and effectively.

Being different is central to successfully picking up women. So you may find it odd that I'm suggesting you can start by asking a bland question. It's not necessarily the best way to start, but it works- unless she's a real bitch, she'll respond. Once you get more confidence in talking to women, you can experiment with more novel ways of opening a conversation.You need to leave yourself somewhere to go after that first sentence. For example, if you ask her what time it is, she'll tell you- and the conversation will die there. Before you open your mouth, think about where you're going to go with the conversation.You don't want to bombard her with questions. It's a casual exchange, not a job interview. Any questions you ask should be open-ended and phrased as statements where possible, so she has to participate more in the conversation rather than giving simple yes/no answers.Awkward pauses don't just happen- you create them, and you can learn to avoid them. If she has just come to the end of a sentence, reply with another sentence, rather than saying something like "I see" and then waiting for her to talk again. Neither of you will have anything to say, and the conversation will falter.

Let's delve a little deeper. I really want to give you more of an insight into what is involved and what it is that you need to do to overcome the different setbacks you feel are insurmountable.PUA (Pick Up Artist) training is very necessary for you to become a real PUA artist and become adeptly expert at picking up women.Back to the pick up artist lessons, the first thing you will need to know is that there is a 3 SECOND RULE that all PUA's live by and believe me you will really need to know what this rule is, as it is the basis of all things to do with picking up women!

You also want to hold back a little so that she has to do some of the work in creating conversation. If there's a pause, it doesn't matter. Let her fill the gaps sometimes. If she has to work to attract you, she will want you more.It's one thing to talk to a girl, it's quite another to flirt with her. Gentle teasing should do the trick- but that's not something you can plan. You need to bounce off what she's saying. For example, if you're at a bar talking to a girl who is clearly not a local, you could ask where she's from. She'll tell you the country she's from, and then you could exclaim, "Really?! You came all the way from (her country) to go to this bar?"- although keep in mind that this would not work on a girl whose English is so poor that she won't get the joke.

You want your conversation to be fun, so steer clear of any contentious topics such as religion and politics. It doesn't have to be a shallow conversation- you can get personal, but try to stick to positive topics. A good topic for the purpose of getting to know each other as well as having an enjoyable conversation is to ask her about her ambitions, and tell her about yours. Because people enjoy talking about their aspirations, she will be keen to tell you all about the future she has planned and will be pleased that someone has taken an interest.Creating sexual tension in the first conversation you have with her is important. You want her to want you, or nothing will come of the interaction. If you create interest, she will want to get in contact with you again. It's not enough to just get along well, or you could be banished to the friend zone (and while that's not the worst position to be in, there are certainly better positions to be had).

Another tip on how to talk with girls is to avoid being just like everyone. Try to be unique and unpredictable and calculate your words properly because just one word can ruin your evening. Remember you do not have the whole day to make this girl like you so try to make each second at your disposal count otherwise she could be up and out in an instant.In learning how to talk to girls, always keep in mind that girls in general like being around interesting and entertaining guys. Pull out some witty stories and jokes from your arsenal as this will make the talk more entertaining while on the other hand buying you more time to make your presence felt. However, try to keep the jokes at a mature level and avoid annoying jokes as this could lead to an abrupt end of the conversation. Also, women like being listened to so show interest and attention to her.

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