
mardi 8 juillet 2014

The Old Covenant VS New Covenant

By Rosella Campbell

Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Elijah and Moses are important figures that ever lived in the Biblical history before the time of the Christ. Their time and the time of the Christ are completely different and this explains why there is a need to understand the old covenant vs new covenant. The benefit is that you are able to learn how God works to transform the world and the life of humankind.

In the olden days, all the agreements made between man and the almighty God was based on tangible promises. God spoke to the children of Israel that they would be His treasure if they obeyed Him and kept his commands. The whole world belongs to God, which means that the children of Israel would be a holy nation and a royal priesthood to God.

The circumcision in the Old Testament was physical. A good example is God called Abraham and said to him that each male member including himself had to be circumcised. He talked to Moses and told him that a foreigner who wanted to take part in the feast of the Passover had to circumcise all the members of the household who are male before they could take part in the Passover feast. After doing that, they would be free to take part in the Passover feast.

At the time, people did not have the spirit of the Lord because God had not sent the Holy Spirit to come to the world. People used to live by the law and not by the spirit of God. When God called Moses on Mount Sinai, He have him the Ten Commandments, which would guide people in their daily lives. God Himself speaks to Joshua and tells him that the books of the law should never depart from his mouth.

People asked for forgiveness in a completely different way compared to the way they do it today. If you were alive back in those days and sinned against God, you would have to make an atonement sacrifice to have your sins forgiven. In this case, you would have to make a sacrifice s that you receive forgiveness of sins for the wrongs that you have done.

The new covenant has a completely different compared that of the olden days. Every promised made by God to human beings is completely spiritual. Remember, God loved the world so much even when it had committed many sins. Instead of destroying the earth, He sent his son Jesus Christ so that if anyone would believe in Him, he or she would not face death. They would have everlasting life and live in heaven with God.

The Holy Spirit of God came at the time when Jesus already brought the new covenant. When it was his time to go back to the father in heaven, he said that the father would send a helper who would lead people. The Holy Spirit and teach them more than what Jesus had taught them. He would be a teacher and someone that guides people in the right ways of life.

You no longer need to make sacrifices to ask for the forgiveness of sins. Jesus already made a love sacrifice on the cross so that your sins could be forgiven.

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