
mercredi 9 avril 2014

Why You Need To Visit A Non Denominational Church

By Anita Ortega

Most Christians flock them every Sunday with the hope of getting their spirits lifted to another level. Wherever you go, one cannot miss a non denominational church. Their members have a high sense of unity considering the way they greet and visit each other. They also send each other gifts. People from all social standards are accommodated and it is this lovely feeling that makes them to pay more visits and eventually become permanent members.

They have some common practices that make their members have a sense of belonging. The kind of welcome and vibrant love that you get wins you over such that you feel at home. Their structures are also peculiar. Some are modern while others fuse old tradition and modernity. Their beliefs might conflict in some cases but they have a common belief in Christ. Some even specify the version of the Bible to be used by their members.

A good example is Pathways Church which shares a building with a Jewish church. The building is relatively old and the seats are not cushioned. The preaching there is very interesting. They tackle some topics that could be unheard of in traditional churches. This they do with a smooth touch of biblical principles and accommodation of varying ideologies.

What causes these believers in such churches to unite is their common belief and spiritual attachment to the lord Jesus Christ. Despite your nationality, skin color or age bracket, there is always a room for you. When the adults are having the main service, the children are in Sunday school. The youths also have their special retreats.

Many churches of this kind get involved in productive community activities such as spreading the Gospel to people who have been branded exceptional sinners. Members of the society who have been rejected by the mainstream clergy find solace here. People like prostitutes and gays also have a right to worship and it is in such arrangements that they exercise this right without intimidation.

The kind of music they play is also interesting. They have a wide variety. You can get samba, kwaito or rock beats among others, all under one roof. The level of expertise with which the band plays will also leave you mesmerized. They play with passion and the sound that emanates is wow!

When it comes to lifestyle, they are understanding and non judgmental. Instead of condemning, they offer guidance and counseling for free to rehabilitate people with maladjusted behavior. You can be a drunkard or a pick pocket, when you enter but chances are high your life will be turned around if you continue attending.

For those who have relocated to a new area and are looking for a place to worship, the best choice to consider would be a non-denominational church. If you are tired of your church and you want a new environment, trying this option would prove to be worthwhile. This is the reason why even institutions such as schools and colleges have non-denominational Christian unions to accommodate everyone.

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