You were bound to find out sooner or late but all the same it hurts. It hurts to know that your girlfriend left you for another guy. You knew that it was going to be difficult to get her back but now that she is with someone else you fear that you will never be able to win her over. She picked him over you. He has stolen her heart from you but you should know that all of this is only temporary. It doesn't matter how handsome he is or how much money he has. You can still win her back.
Most guys will tell you that women are attracted to guys that are rich, handsome and players. While many girls might chase after guys like this, a real woman knows that a guy like this isn't relationship material. Women soon figure out that they're being played and drop such guys like a hot potato. Real woman are attracted to a particular guy that can make her feel a certain way. Women want a guy that is genuine, unique and who is able to make her feel a range of emotions. Most woman want to feel secure in a relationship. They want to feel romance as well as know that they can count on their man to be there for them. They're looking for their rock that they can depend on when times get tough. They want to feel a special connection and understand their man without words. You can make her feel this way, right?
If you think back, you will probably admit that you weren't making your girlfriend feel safe and secure in your relationship. Before you broke up you were scared. You could see that things were getting bad. She was slipping away from you. Then, after she broke up with you things got worse. You were desperate to get her back so you tried anything and everything to persuade her to change her mind. In short, you weren't being yourself. There was no connection as you pleaded with her or tried to force her to feel something for you again. If you're honest you will admit that you were acting like a scared, desperate little rabbit. Women can sense fear and desperation and the don't like it. These emotions send a message that something is wrong with you and as a result she rejected you.
All the while, the other man had your girlfriend right where he wanted her. He didn't have to try and he probably didn't even care about her the way that you did. All he had to do was be there for her and listen to her and the bond was made. He would agree with her about everything and tell her that he would behave differently. He was her port in a storm and she felt free to connect with him. When she was with him it was as if he was her refuge from her relationship that she felt smothered in.
It is absolutely possible for you to use these same techniques to get your girlfriend back. Now that you understand what she needs and how your behavior affected her in the past, you can make the necessary changes. You can rebuild that connection and slowly lead her to believe that it is you that truly cares about her. She will slowly remember the happy times and forget about the bad times in your relationship. She will feel those emotions and the closeness that she had with you again. You have many things going for you that this other guy doesn't have. You have a history with your girlfriend that is filled with romance and tender moments. You are a good guy and you honestly love her with all your heart.
Now is the time for you to do the prep work that is necessary for you to win her back. It's time for you to rebuild your life and get your self-confidence back. That other guy doesn't exist and he's not important to your plans. Your girlfriend loved you above all others at one point. It's your goal to rebuild that connection and the only thing standing in your way is your doubt. Banish all doubt and be that man that she fell in love with. Understand her and let her come to you. Forget about your needs and fulfill her needs for a man that is strong and caring. Soon you will have that opportunity to connect with her again so you want to be fully prepared to support her, love her and laugh with her again.
Most guys will tell you that women are attracted to guys that are rich, handsome and players. While many girls might chase after guys like this, a real woman knows that a guy like this isn't relationship material. Women soon figure out that they're being played and drop such guys like a hot potato. Real woman are attracted to a particular guy that can make her feel a certain way. Women want a guy that is genuine, unique and who is able to make her feel a range of emotions. Most woman want to feel secure in a relationship. They want to feel romance as well as know that they can count on their man to be there for them. They're looking for their rock that they can depend on when times get tough. They want to feel a special connection and understand their man without words. You can make her feel this way, right?
If you think back, you will probably admit that you weren't making your girlfriend feel safe and secure in your relationship. Before you broke up you were scared. You could see that things were getting bad. She was slipping away from you. Then, after she broke up with you things got worse. You were desperate to get her back so you tried anything and everything to persuade her to change her mind. In short, you weren't being yourself. There was no connection as you pleaded with her or tried to force her to feel something for you again. If you're honest you will admit that you were acting like a scared, desperate little rabbit. Women can sense fear and desperation and the don't like it. These emotions send a message that something is wrong with you and as a result she rejected you.
All the while, the other man had your girlfriend right where he wanted her. He didn't have to try and he probably didn't even care about her the way that you did. All he had to do was be there for her and listen to her and the bond was made. He would agree with her about everything and tell her that he would behave differently. He was her port in a storm and she felt free to connect with him. When she was with him it was as if he was her refuge from her relationship that she felt smothered in.
It is absolutely possible for you to use these same techniques to get your girlfriend back. Now that you understand what she needs and how your behavior affected her in the past, you can make the necessary changes. You can rebuild that connection and slowly lead her to believe that it is you that truly cares about her. She will slowly remember the happy times and forget about the bad times in your relationship. She will feel those emotions and the closeness that she had with you again. You have many things going for you that this other guy doesn't have. You have a history with your girlfriend that is filled with romance and tender moments. You are a good guy and you honestly love her with all your heart.
Now is the time for you to do the prep work that is necessary for you to win her back. It's time for you to rebuild your life and get your self-confidence back. That other guy doesn't exist and he's not important to your plans. Your girlfriend loved you above all others at one point. It's your goal to rebuild that connection and the only thing standing in your way is your doubt. Banish all doubt and be that man that she fell in love with. Understand her and let her come to you. Forget about your needs and fulfill her needs for a man that is strong and caring. Soon you will have that opportunity to connect with her again so you want to be fully prepared to support her, love her and laugh with her again.
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