
dimanche 7 avril 2013

Family Relationships Depend On Every Family Member For Improvement

By Kelsey Simon

Are families either totally dysfunctional or totally healthy? Most families are somewhere in between. Family life may not be as ideal as all the stories you watch on television, but at the same time, abuses that are physical, emotional and sexual should never occur within a family. However, even when abuses are not occurring there may still be other problems. For instance, although there may be no physical or sexual abuse, family members may not always handle anger or frustration in appropriate ways. Instead of using positive communication and respectfully expressing their views, they may choose instead to argue, yell and put each other down. There may be one member of the family who has a problem with drugs and alcohol and disrupts what would otherwise be a healthy family. Sometimes certain family members neglect to do chores or fulfill other duties. This puts extra stress on others and also creates conflicts.

Families, like individuals, have both negative and positive traits. However, family relationships can be improved when each member begins to develop moral character traits while, at the same time, eliminating the negative traits. This can be accomplished if everyone begins to value how a moral character can improve the quality of his or her family. But even if you are the only one in your family who sees the value of a moral character, you can, by your example, encourage others to value developing an upright, moral character, as well.

You can begin improving your family life by using moral character traits when interacting with your parents, siblings and other family members. You can start by being respectful in your daily conversations and by being responsible and doing your share of chores. You must also remember to be humble, especially if you have done something wrong and your parents are correcting you, or giving you advice on ways you could have better handled the situation. The character traits of humility and respect, when used on a consistent basis, will reduce many arguments and conflicts between family members and especially between parents and children.

The next time your brother or sister does something that annoys you, use patience and positive communication to express your feelings in an appropriate way. This means no name calling or purposely trying to hurt his or her feelings. Then, be willing to forgive. Keep reminding him or her that you would prefer hearing a request for permission before touching your things. Always be the one to set the right example to avoid conflicts. Model these things to help others learn from you, too. Remember, it could be you who gets on your sibling's nerves the next time. How would you want to be treated? There are many ways a positive character can be used to strengthen a family. So consciously make an effort to practice using your positive character traits every day and, by your example encourage others to do the same.

Additionally, learn to accept correction from your parents. They're not correcting you to hurt you but for your own benefit. Your parents and other family members play an important part in the development of your personality and character. All of your interactions and experiences affect the way you grow and what you value. Families that suffer from emotional, physical and sexual abuse, as well as, alcohol and substance abuse, also experience the most damaging effects on the development of positive character, but even that can be changed with effort, example and teaching of The Peaceful Solution Character Education Program, on your part. In homes such as these there is a great deal of fear, violence, resentment and hostility, but recognize that you can help yourself and others as well. You are equipped and capable of performing these actions. These emotions lead to negative character traits such as hatred, aggression and revenge, but you can find ways to assist in all problems as you grow and develop your own moral character traits.

In healthy, moral families, abuse and violence are discouraged, because positive values and positive character traits based on compassion and respect are at the core of all interactions between family members. You will also do your part to assure complete peace within your family. Although the average family may not have all the qualities of a healthy moral family, family members can nonetheless learn to develop the values and character that will make their family healthier. The strength of a family lies in positive character. You can be an example to other family members when you display a positive character and when you teach by example what you have learned from The Peaceful Solution Character Education Program.

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